I hope you all had the best Valentine's Day ever yesterday!
With all the expectations and pressure that exist around February 14th, I found myself talking to friends yesterday about their best and their worst V-Day experiences. They were too good to not share (minus all names and identities of course).
Whenever someone asks me if I want good news or bad news first - I always take the bad first so in keeping with that belief, let's start with the worst Valentine's:
"I was in the 11th grade. I was soo excited to receive a teddy bear and chocolates from my crush. However, I found out about 3 hours later that he gave his ex girlfriend the same gift and had stolen all the teddies and Russell Stovers from the grocery store where he worked as a bag boy."
"When an ex sent me a box of cheap drugstore valentine's day chocolates in a box with no card or anything post cheating on me."
"One year instead of flowers I was told, 'I spent money on flowers for your birthday two weeks ago!'."
This one is a combo of the best and worst Valentine's day ever:
"So the guy I was dating and I got in a fight the night before Valentine's day because I was supposed to sleep over because my bed-mate (yes, bed-mate) had her boyfriend staying over. Then the guy I was seeing changed his mind about having me sleep over - leaving me high and dry on the couch watching the series finale of six feet under (NOT a good thing to watch while in a delicate emotional space.) The next day was V-Day and we worked together but didn't speak at all, and I spent the night getting drunk with my roommate in a bathrobe at the kitchen table making him listen to me sing all the Whitney Houston songs I knew while we watched a happy couple paint a stump. So in the end, it was awesome. Oh, and if you want more details on why I couldn't sleep over - it was because he said 'The bed was too small.'"
And to leave you on a good note for your weekend - the best Valentine's days ever:
"When we all went to the Squealing Pig and saw The Van Burens and you ordered mars bar toasties for everyone in the bar."
"The year my Mom sent me a chocolate laptop"
"Some of the best Valentine's were definitely elementary school when you had a "mailbox" that was full to the brim with valentines, lollipops and chocolates. I miss those days - everyone had AT LEAST 20 valentines"
"This year - I got some awesome flowers and am going out to a nice dinner."
"Best Valentine's day was a first date. I was cooked a home-made meal of
filet mignon, acorn squash and sauteed spinach paired with a glass of
Cabernet. Following dinner we watched trashy TV and shared our first
kiss :)"
such great stories. love love