Valentine's Day Gift Guide

Valentine's day - you either love it or you hate it, but one thing we can all agree on is: it's nice to know someone is thinking about you any day of the year, but even more so on V-day. So, get in the spirit and shower the people you love with love! This holiday really snuck up on me this year, so, if you are like me and feel like you just tossed your Christmas tree out your front window (that's seriously how we got rid of our tree this year) calm down, put down the the homemade coupons for "one free back rub" and check out these fun, easy ways you can show the people you love you are thinking about them without them knowing you waited until the last minute. 

As promised here is your Valentine's Day Gift Guide (I told you I would get it done!) 

In my opinion, it's all about the card - all anyone really wants on Valentine's Day is to be reminded about all the schmoopy stuff you feel about them - so tell them! This one above is adorable, and you can order it ASAP and Just Wink will send it out for you, they have a collection of great cards so you are sure to find one that works for your special someone. 

Here is one more card, that you probably can't get on time - but that doesn't mean you can't buy a few and leave them randomly around or in his/her bag over time - after all every day is Valentine's Day when you're in love right? Riiiiight.
Yes, please USB mix tape -  if you order this right now it can totally get to you by Thursday, and if it doesn't who cares give it to him/her on Friday because it's awesome and everyone deserves one. If you don't want to spend 75$ to ship this USB cassette tape over night, that's OK - I get it. Burn a CD put it in an old CD case (or go buy one at Staples) and handwrite the tracks and why you chose them on some liner notes. You could also keep it super simple and send your crush a spotify playlist, to get them through the work day thinking about you! 

If you are already planning a breakfast in bed (did you buy a heart shaped waffle maker?) then you should print this FREE and adorable little breakfast in bed kit and make your already wonderful breakfast extra special (and adorable)

Do I even need to explain to you how awesome this is? "52 things I love about you" Come on - this would melt even the iciest of hearts. All you need is: two binder rings, a deck of cards, paper, a pen and 52 things you love about another human... NOW GO!

Download these printables for free, email them to Kinkos (or any print shop), ask for poster sized, pay 5$ and be a Valentine's day hero. Come on guys, I am making this so easy for you. 

You can cook a nice dinner with a recipe from Smitten Kitchen they are all relatively easy and don't call for crazy ingredients - if you are going to do this though please go grocery shopping tomorrow night, no one should be kept waiting on Valentine's Day. This pasta dish looks delicious!

You should also watch this short film (nominated for an Oscar) it's so sweet and will get you in the spirit. The Paperman

Order some flowers and have some of your money go to a good cause here

Get a fancy candle, because - Valentine's Day is only once a year. You can get this one at a Nordstrom's near you. 

Movie tickets for a month, 3 months, or even a year. 

Tickets to a show (you can print these out and put them in your card these days) you have no excuse. Also download the Timbre app and find out what shows are playing in your area.  (Sorry, i-devices only)

Enjoy celebrating all the love in your lives! 



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